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 Unlock Your Potential with NLP Coaching
Michelle Guelfand @ myDesiredOutcome 


Michelle Guelfand - my Desired Outcome -  NLP Coach near me, NLP Coach in San Francisco bay Area

Each one of us has their own interpretation of the world based on their life experience, beliefs and values. 

We need to remember it is our perspective of the world, and the meaning we assign to it, that dictates how we act and respond.

Based on our interpretation of a situation, we instantly react in a certain way; emotionally, physically and behaviorally.      

It becomes a problem when our reaction leads to unwanted outcomes for ourselves and for the people around us.

Every problem we face dilutes our energy, even unconsciously, decreases our ability to use our resources properly, and reduces our performance. Emotional stress can also lead to long-term effects on our well-being.

In some cases, people are already aware of the problem, but feel stuck with it and don’t know how to eliminate it.

At myDesiredOutcome, the main coaching tool is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). 

NLP focuses your attention and energy towards the solution, and not the problem. 

It enables you to expand your perspective in a way that will allow you to have more possibilitiesand choice. It also allows you to tap into your mind, connect with your resourceful states, and recode unwanted experiences in a way that will serve you better in the present and in the future, and will enable you to easily achieve your desired outcome. You will suddenly feel liberated, and that you have more choices.

At myDesiredOutcome the focus is on WHOLISTIC WELLNESSAs human beings, we are the sum of the many parts that comprise us, including our health, our family, relations, vocation and sense of purpose. If one of the areas is out of alignment, we don't function to our fullest capacity or potential. When we are in alignment with our values, needs, and sense of purpose, other areas of our life are getting aligned too.

Areas of Specialty:

Our clients are able to successfully implement changes in various life areas such as:

*Personal Development: Goal-setting, self-esteem, confidence, self-worthiness, self-love, emotions management

*Professional Development: Set Goals, grow confidence, overcome stage-fear, procrastination, embrace success habits, improve work-relations, and more

*Relationships: with self, family members, parenting, friends, work-relations

*Well-being Practices

   - Self-Healing: Stress reduction, pain relief, and more* (always consult with a physician first)

  - Changing Habits: Overcome automatic triggers, over-eating (weight-loss), nail-biting, smoking, over-drinking, embrace healthy habits

Allow yourself to tap into your mind and heart and transform your life for the better. 

Eventually, we all live by the story we tell ourselves. 

Are you ready to explore the narrative of your story and create a better one for you? 

I am ready!
Not sure yet? Read what clients say about Michelle in the Testimonial page, and on the 
Google Business Page, and take your life to the next level!
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